Are Acid Reducers Causing More Harm Than Good?
Nexium, a proton-pump inhibitor, and Zantac, an acid suppressant, are popular over-the-counter medications to treat symptoms of acid reflux disease, such as frequent heartburn. Both products work by reducing the amount of acid in your stomach, but consistent use of these products can actually cause not too much, but too little stomach acid. The acid in the stomach is required to kill a lot of the bacteria that we ingest through our foods and when there isn’t enough acid, people often have problems digesting foods, which can lead to malabsorption.
We see in vitamin testing, that even when a patient has a healthy diet, their nutrient levels are still low due to not digesting and absorbing foods correctly because of low stomach acid. Even more concerning, osteoporosis and autoimmune diseases, such as psoriasis are now being linked to low stomach acid and low digestive enzymes. Although common, these health conditions are not normal and are signs of functions of the body not performing correctly.
Root Cause Healing
At Vitopia, we want you to look at the root cause of your acid reflux issues, including reflux, gas, bloating and cramping and try to determine why these are happening. Now, it’s true that some people do need long-term acid suppressants, due to some health issues, but those, we find, are extremely rare and does not apply to most people. Consider this - currently, about 20 million people in the US are taking these proton-pump inhibitors and acid-suppressing medications and sales are increasing every year. If these were truly working, why would the sales be continuing to increase every year?
What's Next?
We will continue to discuss gastrointestinal and digestive related topics at Vitopia to provide you with the tools you need to confidently and effectively address your gut problems. If you would like to get email updates on all things GI, signup for our GI mailing list below.