Guided - Cardiovascular Health Program
Benefits At a Glance
Product Description
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer of Americans.
This program is designed to prevent CVD and/or address the underlying cause of CVD. (Including high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, etc.)
The program includes:
1) Initial consultation (generally 1 to 1.5 hours) to map your health history, symptoms, and health goals.
2) Review any necessary labs.
3) Establish an action plan tailored specifically for your health needs and goals, including nutrition, medications, supplements, fitness, and lifestyle recommendations.
4) Provide weekly check-in with your practitioner to review progress and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.
5) Access to weekly group calls to ask questions and learn more about your specific health condition.
Program cost:
Initial consultation: $250
Monthly fee: $125
Program length: Varies depending on your condition, but generally 3 to 6 months.